

Designs by Alina Blog: An intimate look at all things design, travel, lifestyle, entertaining, family and motherhood

Designs by QAlina de Albergria blog

an INTIMATE look at all things design, home, family, motherhood, and travel

Posts tagged Husband
Behind Every Great Man...

...there's a great woman. That is what they say anyway. And while it’s up to my husband to concur or differ, I will happily give that old adage a spin and say that I am a much better woman with Bernardo by my side.

I spent many years carving out life on my own, since I was eighteen in fact. Some of the storms I weathered felt insurmountable. But time was all the wiser for knowing the benefits that lie ahead, not least, the continual discovery of who I am because with every hiccup we morph into a better version of ourselves.

By the time I met Bernardo, I had travelled extensively and worked in a multitude of creative environments. I danced until I donned a running-in-from-the-rain look, had broken a few hearts and had mine twisted up in knots. In other words, I was ready to settle down. Thankfully, I was equipped well enough by then to know that “settling down” would never mean “to settle."

Cut to three children, a horse, two poodles, a hamster, and one leopard gecko later, and Bernardo is still the perfect match for me. Mio marito italiano understands my American side as well the one yearning to revisit life in far-away lands. He is exciting, bright, entrepreneurial, exceedingly charming, supportive, patient, stylish, a fantastic father, and well, it doesn't hurt that he is handsome too. Wow! Did I miss anything?

This website came into existence because Bernardo made it happen. He loves Designs by Alina and became my webmaster at a time during which he was supposed to be on a mini sabbatical of sorts, enjoying his horse, family, travel, and friends. Perhaps he felt the need to be productive or liked the “techie” thing. Maybe he just wanted to bring us joy. I suspect it is a combination of all those things, but whatever the reason, I am grateful to be sharing my life with him, and yes, I am a better woman for it.

A Launch to Remember

My delicious husband did something crazy a week before the launch: “Let’s take the kids to San Francisco for Easter weekend,” he said enthusiastically to which I balked: “Are you kidding me?” And as stressed out about the launch as I was, I acquiesced in deference to the fact that the children had already endured a mom with a piece of jewelry in her hand “thirteen hours a day” to paraphrase our son, and my husband had been working around the clock, while pursuing his own exciting endeavors, in function of the launch.

The trip to San Francisco was very much needed. It was wonderful to catch up with old friends and new in the city and Marin, as well as watch the children hunt for Easter eggs in our friends' lovely Pacific Heights home. The icing on the cake was when one of my pieces was bought virtually off my neck. Our trio enjoyed themselves so much that we scarcely thought of the work that lie ahead.

The pace back home was insane: we ate on the go, begged other parents to chauffeur our kids (an exaggeration because our community is so awesome there was a surplus of the willing) and infused ourselves with caffeine to keep plowing ahead.  The day of the event, our household was pulled in a million directions: getting the website up and running, hand-cutting and fraying Belgian linen for the jewelry boxes, naming the pieces, setting the table, cutting flowers, purchasing champagne and wine, and I almost forgot to wear a piece of jewelry! 

The chaos morphed into joy as soon as the first few guests arrived, so much so that my web designer/ photographer/ husband extraordinaire stopped taking photos so that we could bask in the joy of the enthusiasm around us, and as much as I wish there were more to document the launch, it was a small price to pay for a magical evening.

I am humbled by the level of excitement you all exhibited at the unveiling of Designs by Alina, thank you!